Our pricing plans

Our pricing plans help you to get started for free.
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We are in Early testing right now.

Beta Program

$0 / mo

  1. 1000 transactions
    per month

  2. Daily extracts

  3. Email support

  4. Priority on feature requests and bug fixes


$0 / mo

  1. 300 transactions
    per month

  2. Daily extracts

  3. Email support

  4. Community Help center access

  5. Not available during Early Test period


$29 / mo

  1. 3000 transactions
    per month

  2. Daily Extracts

  3. Priority email support

  4. Community Help center access

  5. Not available during Early Test period


$199 / mo

  1. 10000 transactions
    per month

  2. Hourly extracts

  3. Phone and email support

  4. Community Help center access

  5. Priority on new feature requests and bug fixes

  6. Not available during Early Test period